Monday, October 27, 2003

So we're babysitting tonight and we just had dinner, mushroom, chicken curry. It was pretty good. Of course I'd rather be at home getting ready to sleep in our bed for the first time in three months, almost to the day. It was such a joyous occasion when I took out our blanket, sure it was flat as a pancake, but who the hell cares. It's big enough to fit me, K and 3 Timo's, which is a far cry from the blanket we've been using, which was big enough for one of us, which of course lead to many mornings of, "you took all the blanket," "no, you did" both of which are quite true. I had a sweatshirt next to me so that when it was k's turn to have the blanket I could use the sweater as a blanket. It's all over with now, thanks to two smelly Finns who carried our stuff through the ice covered street, up the stairs and into our apartment. They were really nice, but they sure smelled like crap. I was tempted to open a window, but it's too cold to even think of doing that.

I guess Howie alway hot, is getting his just desserts.

Ok, I had some wine so the formatting of this is rather off, apologies. I also wrote something right before we had dinner, but this damn computer that I'm using is way too sensitive and since I can't read Finnish yet, it was erased.

Our stuff came in the nick of time. My toes were getting really cold and I was hesitant to buy a new pair of boots, since I had a pair in the shipment. Let me tell you, I cheered out loud when I slid these puppies on for the first time and my toes were happy and warm. And my scarf also came today. I feel like I just won the lottery.

I'm playing badmitton on Friday with one of K's colleagues. Apparently the pressure is on. I must crush him. I'm glad I got a practice day in before I play him, because: a. he's a shrimp and b. it is necessary for me to open up a can on him. Sure, I'll pretend to just be there for the exercise and smile and do all the right things, but I must Pete Sampras his little booty and then talk shit with K afterwards.

And I will be speedo shopping tomorrow. The pool is amazing. It's split into 3 different pools. The pee pool, for the kiddos. The diving pool with 2 high dives and the laps pool. I' m ready to do it and since everyone else is wearing the smallest little things, I hope not to stand out too much. K wants to get me a speedo with flowers on it, which I refused, but it could be fun.

So, more later and soon I'll be able to pictures on this thing, I hope. I promise several of the speedo, and maybe one with me in it - from very far away.


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