Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Normally I wouldn't get emotional while reading the TV Guide, but after what I saw just now tears of joy are welling up. The long drought of television programming is over! Tonight, in anticipation of the premiere in two weeks is a catch-up episode of the Soprano's. For a full hour-and-a-half!

Now I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. You're thinking, Howard, you shouldn't get so excited over what's on television. You shouldn't watch so much television. You should read a book, or go outside and do something. Well, I've done all that, but I still have 2-3 hours a day where I could use some entertaining diversion. I watched weightlifting last night, and it was broadcast in Finnish. I think I'm entitled to a little bit of HBO now and again.

One year ago, even though the only furniture I had was an air mattress, I still had Direct TV and all 275 channels of programming. I was a vegetable, but I was entertained. Here, in J-town, with 12 channels, only 6 of which are sometimes watchable. Well it ain't the same.

Monday, August 16, 2004

With the Olympics under way - and yes I have been taunted at length already over the USA's deplorable showing last night - I have finally developed a system by which I can decide who to root for before the winner is decided. If there is not an American or Finn in competition, I am going to choose the athlete from the country whose food I like the best. So, if there is a Japanese athlete competing, or an Italian or a Mexican or a Spanaird, that's who I want to win. I will not root for an athlete whose country I cannot guess from the three letter clue and a flag I have never seen before.

Also, as much as I like to play badmitton, it may very well be the most boring sport to watch on television. I have decided to learn to play tennis rather than improve my badmitton game, it just looks cooler.

I had a unique experience the other day while driving home from Kuopio, which is a city about an hour West or J-town (my new nickname for Joensuu). We were traveling the winding road, going in and out of rainstorms, when a rainbow appeared. The rainbow seemed to touch the ground quite close to the road, but the touch-down spot always moved further away as we approached it. Until, we curved along with the road and, straight ahead in the distance, the rainbow touched down on the road, directly ahead of us. It only last a second or two, but there was time enough to look around for the elusive pot of gold, but it was nowhere to be found.

Friday, August 13, 2004

It's been a couple of days since I last said anything here and that is because I did not want to jinx myself. I have been in contact with a monthly English magazine published in Helsinki regarding the possibility of contributing some material. I spent this week thinking and writing and submitting to the editor and I have come away with an agreement of sorts. If my submission does not make the print edition, I will be published online at www.6d.fi

The next publication comes out in September and I will not know for a while whether I have made the print edition. Also I sent a link to this weblog as a sample of my writing and I did not want the magazine's representative reading anything that could make me seem expecting.

--- I just heard from the Assistant Editor and I will not be in the print edition, only on the web. I need to do something a little less personal and more fact based before I can get to print, but it's a start ...They've asked me to write a little something about myself and whether or not I want to have a link to this blog. I don't know if I should do it or not. If I do go ahead with the link, I may have to subtly change the tone of the entries so that they are not as "inside" and more readable for anyone. I could use some thoughts on the subject ---

Speaking of expecting, I cannot wait for December to get here. I am so excited to get back to Texas, throw Samuel on my shoulders, pinch the Zevi-monster on his chunks and hold Jen and Mark's new baby boy. My appetite for Mexican food is building slowly, but surely. After our trip this summer I thought I would never be able to enjoy Mexican food again. Goes to show what I know.

Well summer is fast coming to an end. How do I know this? It has not been warmer than 70 degrees all week and it is getting colder. This time last year K said that she was still going to the lake and swimming and that it did not start getting chilly until mid-Sept. Well, it looks like we could be in for a cold one this year. Yea! Pretty soon I will have to break out the heavy coat, long underwear (I'm ok with that one, they are surprisingly comfortable) and heavy blanket, even though it feels like it was just a couple of months ago when we put them away. Oh yeah, that's because it was a couple of months ago.

Monday, August 09, 2004

So the double-reverse-back-spin psychology worked, it's a boy! I totally knew it. Of course it's a boy, it had to be a boy, boys are so in right now. It seems as if everyone who's anyone is having a boy. Girls? There so 3 years ago. I can only imagine the broken plates and scuffed knees and all the "two for flinching" that is going to mark the family get togethers for the next 2 decades. And when the entire family is together? 4 boys, all within 3 years of age? Man o' man o' friend of mine, or in jive-speak, "Sheee-it".

Friday, August 06, 2004

I've been feeling like a bit of a windshield lately, just covered in bugs. The weather here has been so wet which has resulted in a sharp increase in the amount of bugs, and when riding my bike anywhere I am continually pelted by bugs of all shapes and sizes. Of course the big bugs are a little scary as they whip into me with surprising force, but it's the little ones, the gnats and stuff that are really bad. Riding through a swarm is one thing because I at least can seem them and prepare (exhale through the nose, keep the mouth shut and ride low), but when there isn't a swarm, just some free floaters it is impossible to prepare for them.

I have had bugs in my nose, mouth, eyes, ears and hair. Not to mention the hundreds that get stuck in the hair on my arms and legs and stay stuck until I get home, sit on the couch, begin to relax and then realize that I am a breeding ground for these little duds. I have put so much effort into bug-proofing our house, but with only moderate amounts of success. I guess the next step is to shave my arms and legs. Not that I'm going to do that, but it still would be the next step regardless.

I am anxiously awaiting news from Austin. I am thinking girl, but because I am thinking girl, it will most certainly be boy, unless it's a girl.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Well school is back in session and apparently I am still teaching a course here. Good thing they told me. I have to think of a lesson in 2 weeks. I have not thought of anything in 3 months and now the pressure's on. Truly, I have no idea what I am going to talk about. I was having lunch with one of the teachers here and I told him that I am stumped about this class. He said, "the one I am in?" Lesson number one, be careful who you talk to. I just told one of my students (although he is quite older than I am) that I have no idea what I am going to teach and I only have two weeks to think of something and that he will be lucky enough to be on the receiving end of whatever it is I can think of.

Vacation time is over, except for the fact that no one is in the office this week, so vacation time is almost over.

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