Friday, August 06, 2004

I've been feeling like a bit of a windshield lately, just covered in bugs. The weather here has been so wet which has resulted in a sharp increase in the amount of bugs, and when riding my bike anywhere I am continually pelted by bugs of all shapes and sizes. Of course the big bugs are a little scary as they whip into me with surprising force, but it's the little ones, the gnats and stuff that are really bad. Riding through a swarm is one thing because I at least can seem them and prepare (exhale through the nose, keep the mouth shut and ride low), but when there isn't a swarm, just some free floaters it is impossible to prepare for them.

I have had bugs in my nose, mouth, eyes, ears and hair. Not to mention the hundreds that get stuck in the hair on my arms and legs and stay stuck until I get home, sit on the couch, begin to relax and then realize that I am a breeding ground for these little duds. I have put so much effort into bug-proofing our house, but with only moderate amounts of success. I guess the next step is to shave my arms and legs. Not that I'm going to do that, but it still would be the next step regardless.

I am anxiously awaiting news from Austin. I am thinking girl, but because I am thinking girl, it will most certainly be boy, unless it's a girl.

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