Friday, August 13, 2004

It's been a couple of days since I last said anything here and that is because I did not want to jinx myself. I have been in contact with a monthly English magazine published in Helsinki regarding the possibility of contributing some material. I spent this week thinking and writing and submitting to the editor and I have come away with an agreement of sorts. If my submission does not make the print edition, I will be published online at

The next publication comes out in September and I will not know for a while whether I have made the print edition. Also I sent a link to this weblog as a sample of my writing and I did not want the magazine's representative reading anything that could make me seem expecting.

--- I just heard from the Assistant Editor and I will not be in the print edition, only on the web. I need to do something a little less personal and more fact based before I can get to print, but it's a start ...They've asked me to write a little something about myself and whether or not I want to have a link to this blog. I don't know if I should do it or not. If I do go ahead with the link, I may have to subtly change the tone of the entries so that they are not as "inside" and more readable for anyone. I could use some thoughts on the subject ---

Speaking of expecting, I cannot wait for December to get here. I am so excited to get back to Texas, throw Samuel on my shoulders, pinch the Zevi-monster on his chunks and hold Jen and Mark's new baby boy. My appetite for Mexican food is building slowly, but surely. After our trip this summer I thought I would never be able to enjoy Mexican food again. Goes to show what I know.

Well summer is fast coming to an end. How do I know this? It has not been warmer than 70 degrees all week and it is getting colder. This time last year K said that she was still going to the lake and swimming and that it did not start getting chilly until mid-Sept. Well, it looks like we could be in for a cold one this year. Yea! Pretty soon I will have to break out the heavy coat, long underwear (I'm ok with that one, they are surprisingly comfortable) and heavy blanket, even though it feels like it was just a couple of months ago when we put them away. Oh yeah, that's because it was a couple of months ago.

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