Tuesday, December 09, 2003

-9°C (*9/5 + 32 = 15°F) = ICE IN THE NOSE

But this isn't even close to being cold, or so they tell me. They also tell me something else and I wasn't prepared for this one. On my way out of the office today I spoke briefly with the co-planner at the Film Commission, Antti, who asked me if I was riding my bicycle home in this weather. I answered that I was and he gave me a bit of advice, "Be sure to protect the prostata. In the cold and against the metal, it can get infected."

Now, I had a hunch that he was talking about my prostate, but I wasn't sure until he put it into context. I told him thank you and that I had never heard that before while on my way out of the office. We shared a nodding of the head and then I left, a bit more puzzled than I had been just a few seconds before. I don't really know how to respond to prostate advice, especially from someone I don't know so well. I'm sure he's just being helpful, but still.

Today was a good day at work, we spent over an hour crafting the logo for the EFFC and I think we came up with something really cool. It'll make a great T-Shirt in addition to a pretty cool and black business card. I also had my first bit of it's-a-good-thing-we-have-an-American-on-board-otherwise-we-never-would-have-noticed-this-and-we-would-be-up-shit's-creek today when I corrected the spelling of commission. Everyone was a little shocked and a little embarrassed, while I kept going over it in my head to make sure that commission was indeed spelled with two m's, and it is.

Oooh, I almost forgot. There's another International Party going on tomorrow night. I wonder if my friends will be there.

hb having no ears, they fell off on the way home.

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