Friday, January 23, 2004

Oh, I had the craziest dream last night and before I forget about it I will try try to explain. I was walking a baby Samuel along the street. I was holding him and playing some sort of game and he was smiling and being goofy and stuff. Finally we get to our destination and it is this huge house, palm trees, gated lawn and everything, but this is obviously our destination. I enter the house and a crazed Mel Brooks starts running up to me, telling me to give him the baby, give him the baby. I pretended to be retarded and said something incoherrent to Mel, who was inching closer in that creepy way things inch closer when you are dreaming. I took a look at Samuel who was giving me a very mature "This guys nuts" look and we took off. I was running out of the lawn and told Samuel that I could run a lot faster if I put him in the bag I had, he said ok and we were really moving after that.

Finally I got to Trish and Wes' house and started to tell them what happened. I felt bad because I hadn't taken Samuel out of the bag, and I was hoping that they wouldn't see, but they did. I thought they would start yelling, but they just said, be careful not to wake him up, but he woke up and started to tell the whole Mel Brooks story. I guess it's something in the air.

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