Tuesday, January 27, 2004

OK, I'm studying how to tell the time in Finnish and I thought I would give a sample flavor.

Mitä kello on? What time is it? Simple enough

It is two twenty-nine pm : Kello on kaksikymmentä yhdeksän yli kaksi illalla

- Wes if this seems like dejavu, it's cause it is. Wes and I were able to AIM chat today, it was really nice, although an exercise in extreme typing.

When it rains it pours. 2 Scott's online at once, I think my fingers will fall off. Don't think I can continue the journal.

Oh, good news first. My boss, Lasse, emailed me today about my extension and told me that he will raise my salary 100 euros a month. I need to negotiate for a few more raises throughout the course of the year and an appropriate level of vacation time, but the first step is a good one.

Funny to negotiate vacation time considering my last job had this rule - No vacation, at all for your first year.

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