Monday, January 05, 2004

Ok, so I just heard this on the grapevine and although it is not the most flattering image of yours truly, it did make me laugh and since I'm such a generous mofo I'll pass it on.

I was having a conversation today with Tapsa who asked me about the blizzard in Turku. I told him the story about waiting for the cab in the snow up to our knees and how the next morning I had the chance to shovel snow after a late night session with Timo. We were up until 6am when I finally had to call it a morning. He was up at 9, three hours later, in full "I've got to shovel snow, so I have to wear this" regalia worked his rather large ass off clearing away the meter or so that was blocking way out. I may have told this story before and how I was up at noon in the same type of getup with an awful hangover out there helping as much as I could.

Well, Tapsa told me he knew all about it because he called Timo later that day to ask about the snow and Timo told him of my actions. He said that "although he worked like a girl, he worked hard and didn't complain, so I was proud of him."

So is this a compliment? Well, I'm taking it as such anyway, because this comment coming from the man who at my wedding toasting me by saying, "Howard, I like you," is enough.

I'm playing basketball tomorrow and after these past two weeks, this could be my last post. I love you all.

hb glad to be back in Siberia. Who'da thought I would ever write that?

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