Saturday, February 07, 2004

First class is in the bag, only 7 more to go. It's a good thing that the first class took me more than 3 weeks to prepare for and now I will only have one week between lectures to prepare for the remainder of the classes. I admit I was a little dissappointed with the turnout, 8 people. I was hearing rumors of many interested people and since the auditorium I was lecturing in can hold up to 60 people, I thought I could be in for a large crowd. I was a little fearful of the number, until I got into the lecture and then I realized that I was well-prepared and would have enjoyed a larger crowd. I've got to get cracking for next week.

So what do I do after lecturing about independent films and spouting out an anti-studio, anti-blockbuster message? I have to get Tomb Raider 2 because the patient wants to watch it. Now we were able to see the first Tomb Raider for free thanks to Karoliina's job at Montel and it was one of the worst movies I can ever remember seeing and I'm pretty sure that Karoliina agreed with me at the time. So why the the hell are we going to watch the sequel to a movie that we both thought was crap? Patient gets what patient wants.

Got a call from Scott Horwitz this morning. I was in the pharmacy picking up some medication for Karoliina and in the middle of the conversation my phone rings and a scream Scott is on the other line. Obviously for one of us it was Saturday morning and for the other one, it was still Friday night. It was a nice way to get my mind off of the class and a nice way for Scott to spend 56 cents per minute. Fair trade if you ask me.

Don't know why, but I woke up this morning with 3 songs in my head: The Gambler, Islands in the Stream, and On the Road Again. I guess I was dreaming about Texas or something last night. So, of course I had to download them and now I am jamming to Kenny and Dolly.

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