Monday, February 16, 2004

I had a brief desire to become a vegetarian this weekend. It only lasted a few seconds, but it happened nonetheless. We were cooking our first whole chicken on Sunday night. We have this recipe for a whole chicken cooked in milk, with garlic, sage, lemon and cinnamon. Well K bought one of the frozen organic chickens from the Citymarket and I guess it must have been more organic than the others because it had a bunch of hair on it.

Now we've purchased fish from this same market that still has scales on it, but that's ok, fish are supposed to have scales. But hair on a chicken? I thought that they had feathers, so what the hell was hair doing on its plucked, frozen body. Whenever I remember mom making chicken I remember two things: First, there was never any hair on the chicken; Two, the chicken was able to feed a family of five. The amount of meat we got from this chicken was laughable - and of course, covered with hair. Sure we don't eat the skin anyway, but there was a certain disgust factor that lead to the feelings of veg for a few seconds.

Other stuff: I have two things to say about Talisker Scotch, it is really smooth and that is really bad. I must have had a few too many the other night and did so because it just tasted so damn good and was so easy to drink. I think I need to buy a stronger, less smooth scotch in the future or else I could be in trouble.

I was able to watch the movie, "The Dog Clipper" with English subtitles this weekend and I must say I found it more enjoyable than I did at the premiere. The dialog was a little obvious, as was the storytelling, but the point came across and the characters were empathetic enough.

K's back at work today and feeling I think about 85% right now. She is really looking forward to exercising again and getting back into a physical routine. Being on your ass for two weeks is a hard thing to do. And now getting back into the groove will take a little bit of a struggle, I'm sure.

That's all I got right now.

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