Monday, March 01, 2004

If I were a betting man, I would be rich! Ok, maybe not rich, but I would have won some money at the tracks this weekend. I arrived just in time to catch the first race and stayed long enough to watch the second race and while the horses prepared for the second race, I noticed that horse number 4 really knows how to move and so I said to myself that this horse would win - of course I didn't place a bet - and horse #4 did indeed win (I have the picture to prove it).

The setting was great. The weather was warm, about -5 degrees C = 25 degrees F. The sun was shining and the track was covered with snow. The horses gather around in the same place, but not in any gate or anything like that, then they take off in a completely unregulated way. It all works itself out at the end - two laps around the track and the best horse will win regardless of the starting position. It was all very exciting and then disappointing when I realized that I had picked the right horse to win.

So I spent the day riding around on my bicycle and went to the basketball court at 4pm to play a few games. When I left a 6pm, the weather had dropped from -5 to -15 = 5 degrees F and it was a pain in the ass (well in the face) to get home. I was hoping that I wouldn't get sick, because I have a trip to Amsterdam to think of and so I spent some time in the sauna to warm up and it worked. I don't think that I will ride my bike again anytime soon.

Other points of interest, I saw the biggest icicle of my life yesterday, it must have been 6 ft long. It was as if I was frozen and hanging off someone's house. I wondered how lazy people can be to not get rid of that kind of icicle. The same house had several feet of snow piled on the roof. So either they are very lazy or they are not in town.

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