Monday, March 01, 2004

I've been able to pick up on a few conversations lately and they all revolve around the same thing, the price of booze, cause it's going way down. The Finnish government is reacting to the fact that Estonia will soon be a member of the EU and is looking to prevent massive alcohol purchases out of the country and has reduced the cost of booze by 45%, beer 18% and wine 10% and the people here are giddy, and with Spring coming, oh my god it is going to get crazier and crazier.

You should have heard the guys in the locker room. All they can talk about is how it is now cheaper to buy a half-liter of vodka than it is to buy a six pack of beer (almost, but close enough). These guys are like little boys about to get drunk for the first time. They are speaking in Finnish, but I can figure it out - mostly because they are only talking about vodka using numbers and I know about both of these things.

One thing that I have realized about these Finns, they don't like to drink water if they are drinking alcohol. Now, I am a firm believer of drinker water when having a few in order to not go overboard and to prevent a serious hangover, but when I am out it is next to impossible to get a glass of water and when I do I have to down it quickly so that no one sees and disapproves, it's wild. And you cannot refuse a drink, no matter what, puke be damned (Alright I exaggerate for dramatic effect, but the gist is there).

OK, I still need to clean and pack and I don't know when I will get the energy. So let me ask you this, why is it when K is at home I am able to clean a little more and do the things that need to get done and when I am home alone, I don't do crap. It takes all my energy to wash the dishes from breakfast or even to throw the trash in the bin rather than on the table. Weird stuff, huh? Is it that I can finally be gross? Got no clue, but fortunately I have to have the place looking nice upon our return or else I got trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with K and that stands for wife.

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