Sunday, March 28, 2004

So we were supposed to head to the hills and go snowshoeing today, but get this, it's snowing to hard to go snowshoeing. We missed our chance yesterday when the sun came out for a few hours and made for a good opportunity to get outside for a while. Not today. We woke up early - and with Daylight Savings we even lost an hour - in order to get to the location as early as possible, only to see a blizzard in effect. That's right, it's almost April and I'm looking at a snowstorm that has been raging for more than 4 hours now.

And just yesterday I was able to ride my bike to town and not have any ice on the road. Not anymore, this is going to make the next few days really annoying. I think that it is supposed to get much warmer by the end of the week and if that is the case and this snow storm marks the last one that all is right with the world. The problem with that scenario is the fact that I have said and wished the same thing on the last like 5 snow storms in March alone.

I guess the only good thing about this storm is the fact that it will extend the snow shoe time frame for another few weeks, so that we will probably get out there sometime in late April and there will still be ample snow on the ground. Let me tell you I am ready for Spring.

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