Friday, April 16, 2004

Everyone hates those in between stages, well at least I hate those in between stages. Like when your hair is not quite long enough to look good, but rather looks like you desperately need a haircut, or when the sun is out and shining and it feels warm outside and you no longer are wearing your long underwear, but there is still massive amounts of snow on the ground and the ground that isn't covered in snow is drowning in the mud that was created when all the snow melted.

Yeah there are good signs in the air: the neighborhood bar, Paronitar, has constructed the outdoor patio that will be open for the summer; the outdoor market is opening more regularly; the house is getting a lot of sun - it's staying bright out until 9pm, got to get some plants.

But I'm still wearing my winter coat, I've worn the same shoes everday now for more than 6 months and because of all the mud and crap, I wear the same jeans everyday (who needs new clothes when you only have one outfit). I have like 6 pairs of shoes that I can wear regularly and many pairs of pants, but I only wear one pair of shoes, one pair of jeans and like a combination of 4 shirts, that's it. I remember in NYC, if I wore the same pair of pants twice during the same week - even Monday and Friday - I felt guilty and forget about wearing the same shirt two times in a week, let alone two days in a row.

At least I don't have to pack my scarf or earmuffs, but gloves are still a must. I admit, the thought has crossed my mind recently to go ahead a wear another pair of shoes, but I am hesitant.

Oh, I played football last weekend in Turku with Antero and some of his buddies - nice guys. That's right football, not the American kind but the Euro kind, you know the teams: Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United, Real Madrid. Yeah I didn't know them either, but now I realize that people like to play football here, they really like it and they're good. I looked the right fool playing with these guys. I had't kicked around a soccer ball (there, I said it) in like 11 years. How does that happen? How can I play a sport for so many years of my life and then completely quit cold turkey? I've decided to pick it up again, but I realized that I need to get contact lenses or some other sort of athletic glasses pretty soon because my old pair of glasses with a string holder just ain't cutting it and I think it could make me look pretty stupid. And you can't really head the ball when wearing glasses. I don't know if I'm ready to join Mr. Bionic eyes Wes or anything, but I would give it serious thought.

It's late, I'm turning in. Another happening Friday night here in the Jone's Sue. Karoliina turned in an hour ago. I finally got her to start reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" by Haruki Murakami after trying unsuccessfully for years and she is really into it, which is they way it should be, because it is an excellent book - as are his many other books. Also, I picked up Smilla's Sense of Snow and it has proved to be quite entertaining and all the references to snow and cold really strike close to home.

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