Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I have to write this before I forget about it and if that were to happen then we would all be robbed of perhaps the greatest name for a dish of food that I have ever come across. That's right, come to Joensuu's China Deli and order up one plate of SCARRED WOMAN'S HOT MEAT.

Of course I was a little too afraid to make this dish the first one I tried at China Deli, but I will tame that woman one of the days. She will be mine, oh yes. All in all the restaurant was a pleasant surprise. Now there are 2 restaurants in Joensuu that I would recommend and that is 2 more than I thought would be here. Last night marked only the 4th time K and I have been out to eat since we arrived. That is 4 times in almost 8 months. In Brooklyn we were eating restaurant food 4 times a week.

Oh, I wanted to share this little comparison that K and I came up with while we were walking along the river in Turku several weeks ago (but it feels like months). We were able to compare cities in Texas with cities in Finland in order to really figure out where we live and where we want to live. Here's the breakdown, listed in order of places we would like to live the most in both Finland and Texas:

1. Helsinki = Austin
2. Turku = Dallas
3. Tampere = Houston
4. Oulu = San Antonio
5. Jyväskylä = El Paso
6. Joensuu = Lubbock / Waco combination

Make your own conclusions.

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