Friday, May 07, 2004

So this time tomorrow I will be in Rome and that is a little hard for me to believe. So far I have only been able to think of one negative about leaving tomorrow and that is the fact that this town, Joensuu, is just now (May 7, mind you) starting to show real signs of Spring. The grass is turning green, there are actually a few leaves on the trees, the bushes have sprouted little buds that will blossom very quickly into flowers and it will all come into bloom next week. Sure I'll be living it up in Rome and in Cannes, but I've been waiting for this moment here in Joensuu for like, I don't know, ever. And now I'm going to miss it.

I do have one hope, the weather here is supposed to get wet and cold over the next few days and hopefully this will last a little longer, leading to a later bloom. I am hoping that when I get back from Cannes on the 16th that this town will be in the final stages of transformation. I will then spend the whole week taking pictures so that I can show off some beauty here.

Speaking of beauty, I was riding my bike home from basketball the other day and that smoke I mentioned earlier was everywhere, hanging just high enough above my head for me to realize that everything was ok and there was no raging forest fire nearby.

Something else I realized while riding through the forest, my strategy for riding my bike quickly in order to outrun the bugs has at least two flaws. One, bugs are fast, especially the big ones. Two, when riding fast I am also doing an impression of a windshield, in that bugs are continually flying smack into me. Also, I like to sing a little while riding and listening to music - Coldplay, A Rush of Blood to the Head is highly recommended - and have already swallowed more bugs than I care to admit.

That's about all I've got right now. I want to send out a couple of Happy's while I'm at it, since I won't be readily available next week. Happy Mother's Day to Mom and Trish and Phyllis and Tracey and Roz and Shea and a Happy Birthday to the pop.

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