Monday, July 26, 2004

Bicycle ride yesterday was just gorgeous.  I rode along the river for a few miles and then turned back to ride along the lake.  I got to see some parts of the town that I had never been to before and I was glad that I did.  I only wish I had brought my camera with me.  However, after a couple of hours of riding and sweating, it was probably better that I didn't bring it along. 

I had only been to the beach near our place, there are two others locally and they are all very nice.  I think our beach has the least amount of sand, but has the most amount of grass for sports, picnics, what have you.  I also think that the beach near us is the one where most families go; as there were countless naked babies running around.  I wonder at what age do parents start covering up their babies.  When does it go from being kind of cute to being kind of disgusting?  Is it 2 years, 1 1/2?  Maybe it's the size of the kid that makes the difference.  Or maybe it's when they are potty-trained.  I think I'm on to something here, when the kid can hold it in and not ruin a bathing suit, then the kid gets to wear one.  Otherwise, it's just more stuff for mom and pop to clean.  Better to do it in the water than in the bathing suit. 

This was a fact I had trouble learning.  I can remember running with pop and I think Tricia, but I'm not too sure, in South Padre from the Gulf to the hotel because I just couldn't go in the water.  I remember the ground being so hot that dad would jump into pool after pool on the way to the bathroom to keep cool, on the outside and maybe on the inside.  I mean, after all what is the ocean but a giant toilet? 

Now another time, much later in life, Karoliina and I were in the Gulf near Biloxi, Mississippi.  We were far from shore out on a sand dune so we decided to crouch down and take care of business.  Well, a few seconds later we both got this awful stinging sensation all over our bodies and it kept getting worse and worse.  We looked around and noticed jelly fish everywhere.  K knew what to do, rub sand everywhere.  Shore and all its sand loomed far in the  distance and the pain kept coming.  We ran as fast as we could to get there and when we did we grabbed as much sand as we could and rubbed it everywhere.  I just now realized that we must have been a very funny sight to see for the people on the beach.   Two people screaming / laughing, running like crazy out of the water and then rubbing sand all over themselves.  Wish I'd seen it.


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