Saturday, July 03, 2004

First Saturday here in the house since I can remember and it seems as if mother weather is aware of this fact, because she is being overly generous. The weather is beautiful and the bugs are not swarming as of yet. It's possible that the only two people I know having better weather are Jen and Mark and they're in Hawaii. Although, while the girls are at the lake (Nina is in town and her boyfriend is coming later today) I am busily putting up mesh nets over the windows and I am about to go and get this plastic drape covering for the door and a table so that we can eat outside if we so choose.

Other than that, not too much to say. K and I are preparing for our trip to London and this will most certainly be a lesson in frugality. We's broke and London is expensive. I think picnics in Hyde Park will be the regular dining situation and that's not the worst thing that I can think of. I will have a couple days to myself while we are there because K has a class to go to while she's there, so I need to get a plan of action next week. But really, I think picking one cool spot and hanging out there for several hours will be just as fun as going all over the place and simply looking around at as much as possible.

That reminds me, Wes let me know where your old neighborhood is so I can go and have a pint or two and hang out there.

I hope everyone is doing really well.

hb relaxing

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