Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Normally I wouldn't share this information, but this is a little too much for me not to tell.  I have a program in the template of this blog that allows me to track how my blog was reached.  In other words, if someone does a search on Google for HBCOLD and clicks onto my blog, then I am able to see that this was how they were directed there.  Nothing more.  It's a way of tracking the statistics of the blog.

There have been some funny ones "Palm trees for sale that can live through cold winter", some random ones "China Deli", but never any naughty ones, until now.  Today's winner is "Sex with girls passed out cold".  Now you all read this blog and I write this blog, so I have a question, "How the hell does my blog get brought up on this search?"  Sure it was number 94 in the search, but still, "Sex with girls passed out cold?" Come on. 

Changing subjects now, there's been some exciting new developments on the job front.  A production company from India would like to come here and shoot a few scenes for their upcoming film.  So we've been scouting locations and I've been writing invitations for the crew.  It could be a real deal, which would mean a lot to everyone involved.  So, in order to acquaint myself with Indian films I watched Monsoon Wedding last night.  It would be a lot of fun to have that kind of film shot here.  Apparently they need a birth place of the heroine of the film and they need it to not be Indian.  Well, they'll be coming to the right place. 

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