Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Well I thought we might get lucky and have some nice weather in London. Seems as if I thought wrong. Seems as if the weather that we are having here is the same weather they are having in London. Cold and wet. K and I were lucky enough to have one nice day of weather this weekend. We got out to the lake and really enjoyed the sun and the breeze. It lasted all of one afternoon. Now it is cold and wet again and with no let up in sight. Good thing I'm not on a summer holiday here in Finland. Cause when I start to think about it, the summer is almost over and it hasn't really begun yet. I mean it's July 6th right now and it is like 60 degrees and rainy and has been this way every day except last Sunday - and I am not taking that day for granted as it might very well be the only nice day of the summer. I hope I'm wrong on that one, but apparently, since this winter was so warm and pleasant, it means that the summer will be cold, wet and utterly unpleasant.