Monday, July 26, 2004

You know, there are just some days where you're gonna get hit in the nuts and on those days you don't get hit just once, but many, many times. Well, today is one of those days for me. Second game of basketball today and Jaari drives to the basket, doing his scoop move before he takes his shot - his scoop move means that he takes the ball low and makes a circle with it before shooting. Guess what happened when he went low. Guess. Well let me tell you what happened...he got me in the nuts. And it was one of those almost hits, which are a hundred times worse than a direct hit, cause the pain creeps and keeps creeping and it lasts a while. A couple of minutes later everything was everything and I was back to playing full speed.

Next game, and for the record we play for close to two hours and we take five minute breaks in between. On the bike coming home I thought that even pro's get a break between periods and a half-time and like 10 time outs...not with us. Here it's get some water, towel off a bit and get back to it. So we're back to it and Olli is in-bounding the ball and throws it at me hard and guess what? Guess. Well let me tell you what happened...he got me in the nuts. It's just one of those days.

I used to make fun of Phil cause he would wear a cup for anything that involved any physical avtivity whatsoever. Now I'm thinking he had something there. But he would wear for anything, come on now, let's all make fun of him a little bit. It's fun.

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