Thursday, September 02, 2004

My first column has been officially published online, you can check it out here:

I am hoping to be able to contribute to this website at least once a month, with the eventual goal of getting into the print publication.

Onto another topic, contact lenses. I have finally, after years of copping out for whatever excuse I could find, started to wear contact lenses. I suppose I had this enormous fear that the lenses would get lost somewhere in there, but after experiencing that a couple of times I realized that it's not such a big deal. Sure it stings a bit, and it is more than a little disgusting to try and locate the lens and shift it back into place, but overall the pros out weigh the cons.

I usually wear them for sports and the gym and for those purposes, the difference is amazing. I can only imagine how it feels to have successful laser correction, but until I get there I will just have to enjoy what I have. It was great to finally play a game of basketball without having my glasses strapped to my head and having to constantly clean them off.

However, there is one thing that I guess I took for granted about glasses, they act as a windshield for my eys from all the damn bugs. Lately I have had to ride my bike with my hat pulled down as low as it can go without totally obstructing my view. And breathing through the mouth? Fuggedaboudit. Those little bastards are simply everywhere.

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