Thursday, November 18, 2004

Vacation in T minus 30 days. What the hell does the T stand for anyway? I know they use it when they launch stuff, but when they reach zero don't they say "Lift off?" Where is the T in all of this?

Last night's basketball game was pretty fun. The game itself was rather frustrating because the Kataja team does not know how to play defense, but they kept it close throughout. It was my first game since I received the season ticket and I was seated next to one of the guys I play basketball with on Tuesday's and Thursday's, Ero. Ero brought his son to the game and they were pretty quiet and controlled - as was everyone else in the stands.

As the game progressed, one of the Americans on Kataja was called for a technical foul and this was a bad call. And when the opposing team went to shoot the foul shots I began yelling. This was all that Ero's kid needed. He burst into fits of screams and yells everytime I opened my mouth. His dad continually tried to quiet his son, but whenever the crazy American sitting next to him opened his trap, his son went crazy right along with him. Today I will tell Ero that his kid can sit next to me anytime.

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