Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Carriage House was my favorite bar in Brooklyn. It was on the corner of 7th Ave and 8th Street. A real local hangout with a lot of flavor. I would go there to watch whatever sporting event was on at the time and to talk with a couple of the guys from the neighborhood. Everyone there was really friendly and I usually got a free drink or two. I remember one night I was hanging out there and I went to the bathroom and written on the stall was "Uncle Howard 12-8-2001". I had no idea that this was written there and it took a few seconds for me to put 2 and 2 together and realize that I was Uncle Howard. My buddy Aaron, who is now married to Karel McComas - my best and only attempt at playing matchmaker - had written it on the wall the night that Samuel was born and it took me months to find it. That was easily my favorite moment in my favorite bar in Brooklyn. Happy Birthday Samuel.

A clarification on the match maker definition. There is a chance I am exaggerating my role in all of this. Sure, Aaron and Karel met at a party that K and I threw, but we did not set them up. Rather, we facilitated the organic development of a relationship that led to marriage. Karel came to our party and announced that she was not going to stay for very long. She was pissed. A few minutes later, she wasn't so pissed as she and Aaron spent the night talking and flirting. She did not leave early. So is that a matchmaker? Or is that just a dude who threw a party where two people met and fell in love and now this dude likes to tell people that he set them up? Well, it sure sounds better my way, doesn't it?

Also, Happy Chanukah to everyone out there. Let the latkes begin. Personally I like my latkes with applesauce more than sour cream, although lately I've been feeling like a combo kind of guy. Well regardless, have a happy one everyone.

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