Wednesday, December 15, 2004

For some reason Finland has seen a dramatic rise in temperature over the past 2 days. Admittedly, I was hoping for more freezing weather so that we could have a literal escape, but now that it has become so warm - and by warm I mean 32-35 degrees - the escape will be more from the slush than from the cold. This is just fine with me because I hate slush. Today Karoliina and I walked with our bikes home because the slush was so bad that it was next to impossible to ride in. Sure, I could have done it, I've got a tank of a bicycle, but there was no way that Karoliina could have done it and since we were together, we walked. It doesn't look like it is going to let up anytime soon either. It's like riding a bike through a sandy beach, only this sand has been coated with butter, making it extraordinarily slippery. Also, there are no babes in bikini's, nor any water, and it ain't warm. And this weather has also turned the outdoor skating rinks into shallow pools. Poor kids, now they have to wait until it freezes over again before they can practice hockey. You know, in Texas we get snow days when things get cancelled, I gues in Finland they have thaw days.

T minus 3 days.

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