Thursday, January 13, 2005

A piece of advice I learned upon my return to winter - do not mistake the ski path for the bike path. Both paths are smooth and inviting, but both are specifically tailored. One the way to the Areena where I play basketball, the ski path and the bike path are easily mistaken for one another. I made the right turn towards the Areena and found myself grinding my way through at least six inches of snow. Yesterday I witnessed another hapless victim who had made the near fatal mistake of choosing the wrong path. Near fatal? Well maybe that's overstating it a bit, but you try biking in 6 inches of snow for more than 200 feet. It ain't easy.

K and I have been back in Joensuu for 5 days and it feels like we never left. The Texas sunshine feels half a world away. Maybe that is because it is have a world away. The only indicator that we were actually gone - aside from some wonderful pictures, memories and some extra pounds - is the enormous case of jetlag that seems to be harder and harder to overcome with each Trans Atlantic trip.

Monday night we were in bed by 8pm and up at 4:30 when we watched After Hours, an appropriate choice as it is the story of a man who is trying desperately to get home so he can finally get to sleep. The next day, K took a 3 hour nap, which totally screwed her up. She had a glass of wine at dinner and was asleep at 8pm. She was up at 2:30 and could not get back to sleep no matter how hard she tried. I had a little more luck. Finally, last night we were both up until 11:30 and slept until 8.

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