Monday, April 18, 2005

"Just one more thing I gotta do now." This is a quote from Twin Peaks and it pretty much sums up what is happening in my life right now. In addition to work - trying to set up the State film commission - and writing - Karoliina and I hope to have a synopsis of our script ready to pitch in Cannes in May - and studying for the entrance examination to the University of Helsinki, Department of Communications, I have also been selected to the second round of admissions for the Arts Management program at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. I am quite excited about this new development. However, the exam and interview, which make up the other aspects of the selection process are in 2 weeks. They've narrowed down the pool of candidates to 25, of which they will accept 15 - so I really have to bust my ass. The book that the exam is based on has just arrived and it is 450 pages long. I am swamped, but in a good way, but swamped nevertheless. It's hard to compartmentalize all of these things, but I really have to do just that if I am to do anything at all. So I may be a little behind on this blog of mine, but I'll get back into the swing of things in due time.

hb really, really busy.

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