Thursday, July 14, 2005

So I've mentioned the boredom thing and the heat thing. These two things pretty much make up the entire day. Yeah, we are going to Jazzercise - which has officially earned the term Body Pump, cause there ain't much jazz about it - and we're eating ok. But pretty much the days are long and hot and the nights are long and hot. But for a brief moment or two, there is fun to be had here in Joensuu. From 6pm-8pm the lake welcomes some of the best relief from the heat imaginable.

It's funny to think that the heat is so unbearable, considering the fact that it only hovers above the 80 degree line, but it's all relative. When we are used to temperatures in the teens and 20's, the 80's seem like an absolute heat wave, and so the lakes are packed all day long. Karoliina and I try to absorb as much heat throughout the day - unintentionally, but still the case - so that we can enjoy the medicine of the cool lake. I would say that the lake is in the 65 degree range, at best. Which is normally way too cold for my liking, but nowadays it is just right. The only problem is that we cannot go straight from the lake to the dinner table and then to bed, ala the summer house. Instead we trek back home (not really a trek, more like a 5 minute bike ride) and cook dinner, which inevitably makes me hot again. Then we sit in the sauna come living room and wait until it's time to move into the even hotter, but exceptionally windy bedroom.

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