Monday, November 28, 2005

The snow finally arrived and it hasn't stopped for 2 days. It's hard to believe that it hasn't really hit yet. It's almost December and it's still quite warm and until Friday night, there was no snow on the ground. It makes such a difference. Sure, it's a lot harder to ride a bike through the snow, and it means that the snow trucks will wake us up at 6am everyday, but during the day, the white snow just makes everything seem happier. Darkness at 2:30 is just too gloomy to bear so many days in a row. The snow changes all that, it makes everything softer, easier, brighter. I admit that today on the ride to work the snow was so wet that it seeped in through my jacket and made my neck really cold, but all in all it's worth it.

OK, I am officially procrastinating. I need to be working on my essay for school. I am, but not at this moment. Ok, I'll do it, Sheesh.

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