Monday, November 28, 2005

You know that scene in the Wizard of Oz where they are picking apples from the tree and all of a sudden the trees start throwing apples at Dorothy and the bunch? Well that's what my ride home from work was just like, and I didn't do nothing to no trees. As I mentioned before, it's been snowing like crazy here the past few days, which is a good thing since it means that the rain stops. But sometime today the snow stopped coming and the weather got a little bit warmer, inching just above the freezing point and into the melting point. Nothing is worse than this. All the snow on the ground turns to slush, except for the very bottom icy part that sends bicycle tires skidding in every direction. The snow on the trees melts and comes pelting down in huge gobs. It really feels like the trees are throwing snowballs at you - well, at me. And then tonight it will freeze and all the slush will ice over and it will be worse tomorrow than today. I admit this, I won't miss the ride to work when we leave here. In the summer, yes. November, no way.

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