Sunday, January 15, 2006

Some people say that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. For me, the more appropriate way to phrase that is to say that there is light at the end of winter. Lately that phrase has come in handy, because it is getting lighter and lighter out. Sure, it's pitch dark right now, but come on, it's 5pm, whatta you expect? But at 3:30? Still light and that is something to smile about. It's also been real warm for the past few weeks, like hovering around zero. That should end soon, but the extra minutes and seconds of daylight make such a big difference, and they will only get longer and longer and longer until it really starts to annoy me and I have to wear a mask to bed.

I really need to go outside and take a couple of pictures of the neighborhood. I have a few days off from school next week and I will try my best to get it done.

Speaking of school, I really should be studying right now.

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