Saturday, March 25, 2006

I've said it before and I'll say it again, "March sucks in Finland. Absolutely, positively sucks." I think that every March that I have been living here I have had to write that at least once. And this year I was expecting it to be a little different, since we are now further South than we have ever been at anytime since 2003, but no, not this year. This is the coldest beginning of any year in Finland since the 1960's and it is nowhere near ending. The day's are sometimes sunny and warm and other times cold and a tornado of snow. The nights are all the bloody same, cold and colder. And all the melted ice and snow from the daytime freezes over making everything slippery and dangerous.

This weekend we will officially begin our summer hours, but it won't resemble summer in the slightest. As I said, March sucks. On a brighter note, the little lady got a job this week. She is now a mobile producer and there's a tenner in it for the first person who can figure out what that is. The only thing I do know is that the job was advertised on national television and K had to go through the most thorough and exhaustive process either one of us has ever been associated with. Psychological testing, interview after interview, homework and finally a 2 month trial period. But she should pull through that well enough and be on her way to producing mobily. She begins on Thursday and will have to work weekends, because she will need to go to the television studios where they shoot an absolutely horrible variety show on Sat. - if any of you saw Conan's trip to Finland it is the show with those two annoying little kids - and then on Sundays when they shoot the Finnish version of Dances with Stars.

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