Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lately, the first thing I do in the morning - before I go to the bathroom, before I switch on the coffee, before I even put on my glasses - is look outside, grimace and then stick my middle finger out at what I see. What I see is grey, sleet, snow, rain and ice and boy is it pissing me off. This weekend it was sunny, even warm, and almost all of the ice had melted and it really seemed like Spring was in the air. I was sure that Spring would begin a little earlier here in Helsinki than in Joensuu, since we are in the South of the country, but no such luck. I am really beginning to understand why Finns are so damn pessimistic, it's because everytime there is a ray of sunshine, or hope for that matter, it is followed by a grey cloud of melancholy. We even set the clocks ahead this weekend with the thought that it would increase the hours of sunlight, so that even though it may be cold, at least it would be sunny. But instead it has prolonged the hours of greyshine.

I swear it must be dejavu. I bet I could pull up all of my March posts and there would not be a single thing written about anything other than this crap-shit weather. We even had friends in town just a week and a half ago and already it feels like that was last year and that nothing is happening and that nothing is going to happen. Just going through the motions I suppose. Just marinating in this crap before we are able to enjoy anything remotely resembling a nice couple of days.

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