Tuesday, July 04, 2006

For the first time since I have been in Finland I had to do a double and triple take at the grocery store. On a small aisle stand there were goodies and treats that I had never seen here before: Oreo cookies, Chips Ahoy, Betty Crocker cakes and icing. I was in a state of shock, but even more shocking were the prices attached to these goodies - which, by the way I would never buy State-side, but here in Helsinki, I was just about to, until I noticed that a package of Oreo's was selling for 10 euros! A blueberry muffin mix was 6 euros, and a Charlston Chew was 3. Now I miss those devilish goodies more than I thought I did, but still, 10 euros for a package of Oreo's! What happens if a few of them are broken in the package? Anger, that's what happens.

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