Thursday, August 10, 2006

Elvira, Elvira
My heart's on fire Elvira
Giddy Up Oom Poppa Omm Poppa Mow Mow
Giddy Up Oom Poppa Omm Poppa Mow Mow
Heigh-ho Silver, away

This song came crashing into my mind yesterday when news of Lilleri and Björn's third - count it, third - baby in five years poked her little head into this world. Her name is, well I suppose it's a bit obvious now, Elvira. And all of a sudden I remembered singing this song with Tricia and Jen into a little tape recorder. I only posted the chorus because that's all we sang. And I'm quite sure we never even got to Heigh-ho Silver, away. The song came out in '81 so I think I was about 6 or 7 when we made the Brodsky children remix, complete with serious Texas accents.

I'll be going to see the Eckström's this weekend in Turku and K and I found that song and burned it onto a CD and found a poster of Elvira, Mistress of the Night and printed it out and made a nice little present. I'm excited to hang out with Björn because for the past 5 years or so, his nights have been rather occupied, but with the birth of this third and the arrival of his mother, he gets a night out with the boys.

Truth be told, another night out is not what I need. I could use another trip to the gym and some nice herbal iced tea. I can't believe I am about to say this, but I am sort of looking forward to the end of the summer, because it is simply too much of an all out party for me, especially when taking the past 3 weeks into consideration.

K and I thought that 2 weeks on a film shoot would be a chance to get healthy. Long days outside, hard work - at least all of our previous film shoot experiences were filled with those - but this one, well this one was a little different, as were our titles. No longer PA - production assistant - who is responsible for every uneviable task on the set, this time we were Script Consultants, who make sure that the actors are speaking their lines well and are comfortable with the changes. That meant our main task was to establish a trust with the actors, which meant that we had to hang out with the actors, which meant we had to party with the actors, because these here actors, well they likes to party and party and party. And the thing about these actors is that they don't stop, but oddly enough, it rarely if ever affected their work.

More details to come.

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