Sunday, October 08, 2006

Three years folks! Three years today and for the life of me I can't tell if it feels like a long time or a short one. Why it seems like only yesterday I was riding through the forest trails on my bike, just in time to catch the fish festival beauty pageant. - Long pause in writing and a lot of deletion later - I realize that my reflecting mirrors are not working all that well, and so now onto other subjects.

Procrastination, it afflicts me. And I think has also cut me on the fingers numerous times. I have no idea why I waited, but I did. Looking for the right one. Finding many, but never sure and so what did I do? I procrastinated and used the same crappy knife for almost 7 years without ever replacing it. And now that it is replaced? Holy cow was it dull! I'm telling you I have cut my fingernail twice since buying the new one because it's so sharp and I'm not used to it yet. Unbelievable. I mean you should see the thing cut a tomato! It just goes right through it. I am an idiot. It's not like the thing was expensive, even if it was lousy, at least it would be sharp and at 20 bucks it won't break the bank or anything. Finally, though. And lessoned learned. And I've cooked almost everyday for the last 3 years. It's hard when your own stupidity slaps you in the face. It can cut you on the finger without you - or me really - realizing it, but once it slaps you - me - in the face, you know it.

Okay I'm through hb bashing. What else? I got to see some of the footage from this summer's shooting and it looked great. Very rough stuff, but beautiful. I can't wait to get back into it. I am going to contact a couple of the actors for a monthly language lesson until we resume again in February. Again, the ugly P word crawls back into the conversation. I've been putting off calling them. However this time I have a better excuse, I don't want the hangover that is sure to come with the lesson. These Finnish actors are crazy.

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